FYI - the release notes appear to be the exact same as those for released in mid December 2021. I opened a case to see if there was an update and also to see if the bug fixed in my hotfix patch (GEN6-3208) on for cloud backups not working is included in the new 93n firmware.
Thanks @BWC This is very helpful. To the SonicWall Product Managers lurking in this community... I would hope there would be some development still on SonicOS 6.5 for a reasonable period of time in line with support of the recent Gen 6 hardware and applicable SonicOS releases. Most customers can't rip out everything and…
Good product managers know that its easier to keep an existing customer than to get a new customer... but customer satisfaction with technology is often fickle. Customers know there is no such thing as a perfect product and often what instills loyalty is a vendor who listens and responds to continuously improve their…